Pizzagate 4/13

Pizzagate 4/13

1 “The nocturnal ritual fantasy” is a conspiracy that conspiratorial groups secretly get together to plan and overthrow society. They “supposedly ritually abuse, murder abd consume innocent children” (Barbezat 1). When people believe in this is “helped to justify deadly violence against these marginalized groups, and, infact, played an important role in establishing their very marginality” (Barbezat 2) 

2 The Comet Ping Pong restaurant may have made a likely target of a conspiracy theory for multiple reasons. First, the restaurant’s owner’s partner, David Brock, is a Hillary Clinton supporter. Brock used to be a right-wing journalist and “he became an ‘apostate’ to the conservative case when he re-aligned himself with left-leaning politics” (Barbezat 6). Also Comet Ping Pong hosted democratic fundraisers and “it is popular with beltway government employees, journalists, and politicians tied to liberal causes” (Barbezat 6).  

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