Merlan activity

Merlan activity

Autumn Flagg

What is Merlan’s operating definition of a conspiracy theory? 

1 Merlan’s operating definition of a conspiracy theory is that a conspiracy is when people are secretly working together against others and will likely have negative effects. 

Merlan says that conspiracy thinking has been part of American culture and governance since it’s very beginning. Summarize her reasons for thinking so and explain what she thinks is new about conspiracy theory in the last decade or so. 

2 Merlan believes that conspiracy theories have been a part of American culture since the beginning. Merlan refers to books that have been written about conspiracy theories from long ago proving it has been part of our culture for a long time. New to conspiracy theories is using them in times such as a presidential election. They can be formed by almost anyone and they can receive popularity and power by using them. I think it’s changed because it seems to be used in a much more manipulative way now. 

What are the characteristics of the times in which conspiracy theory tends to survive?

3 Characteristics of the times in which conspiracy theory tends to survive are times where there seems to be a lot going on. This can be a time of rapid social change, stress, when people are re-evaluating themselves, when dealing with uncomfortable questions during the time, etc. They seem to occur in times when there is uncertainty or worry, also during important government times such as an election. 

How does Merlan categorize the different types of people who tend to believe medical conspiracy theories?

4 There are people who believe vaccines are bad and do not believe they or their children should get any. There are people who want to know what they think is the “truth”. People also do not believe doctors and will seek advice from family, friends, celebrity doctors and the internet. 

What are the [multiple] reasons that Anna Merlan uses to answer the question: “Why are we addicted to conspiracy theories”?

5 Are addicted to conspiracy theories because we want to know the truth, whether or not the truth is what the conspiracy says, we want to dig deeper and know it for ourselves. Also, people can use them for popularity and money.

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