Learning strategies

Learning strategies

Based on my experiences, I have learned that my learning strategies are not very useful at all. I do not set aside time to study or to to do my homework, I always tend to do it last minute and rush. In school I did not have an effective way to study or review anything. If it was something that needed to be read I would read it and hope that I would pass the test or quiz or do good on whatever the work was. Another activity that I did where I had to learn was playing volleyball. It was easier to learn and care about my learning in volleyball because it was something that I was actually interested in, unlike school. Although in both school and volleyball I knew I had to learn but the difference was that I actually cared to learn and do better and practice for volleyball. In school I know I have an assignment due at a specific time but I will likely lay in bed or do anything but the assignment until the last minute just because I don’t care and I don’t want to do it. If I had a good learning strategy then I think I could get myself to just sit down and do the work.

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